Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have done it! PHEW

I dont think I want to do this for $$$ because its really time consuming. I spend ONE whole day (serious) doing this from scratch. The ribbon n flowers are done by Daniel's sister. :P
If I am doing this for $$$, I think $100 will fit the price of this pillow. Sound expensive right? But material cost is really very expensive. Plus designs plus the testing out of the names etc on the satin material. All this take time. I think I have spend no less than 2 days in time to work from stabilising the items, testing out tension, design, names etc for the pillow. Really time consuming.
So I dont think I will do this gain. Unless, I am on very close r/s with the couple.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Someone said this is not nice.......... so most probably dropping this

This rose too out so drop this. COlor combination is for fun first. Testing out design is my 1st priority. Threads are expensive so I wont use those smaller cones to try.

This is another design. Maybe I choose something from this set or what ba.........

The date is out because either i put outside of the heart or before/above the name...... I am thinking of using metallic threads throughout but its too expensive........ somemore shipped from US. I am not sure if I should use them. If i use them, how much should I charge......
This is my Ring pillow test out....done a few........ just anyhow use the threads as threads are very expensive too so cannot afford to waste them.

The heart is slanted too but thats because I didnt use the sticky stabiliser which is also...... more expensive. *faint*.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Embroidery Stuffs

These are the items I bought from US and SIL very nice to help me bring them back.... Cannot get them in Sg. I saw something similar (Stabiliser) at a place but they are full of dust, very old packaging like never sell out for yearsss and they are very very expensive. One small pack already 50$++

The black stuff with some metal rodes is a thread stand. This is very good! I bought one from SG and then the stand always fall Zzzzzm and the thread holder cannot hold the thread.... so this is really wow, very good thread holder!!!

These are the pretty AND EXPENSIVEEEEEEE metallic threads... pretty pretty.... but the 2 packs one sala le.

And then that roll of tape is AMAZING Tape. Said to wrap ard threads and also books/pipes etc... all the funny things and why its so amazing? it can be reused. I just tried it. Not bad.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ring Pillow II Testout

I have increased the fonts, using normal and very little amt of gold threads for the test out. The fonts will be too big for a 5" pillow but will be okay for a 8" pillow. I am not sure if I want to amend the layout of the names
I am unsure if I should use 20.09.2009 or 20 Sept 2009. Given a choice, I will choose the alphanumeric fonts.... but since they chosen this unique date, it seem a waste to discard the numeric <20.09.2009>
The doves arent that nice......... the outline makes it ugly and its not aligned with the satin stitches. Thus, I am going to drop this design.
p/s I am testing this on red satin but actual pillow is cream or white satin. I just want to see the embroidery designs on a satin material............. thus i tested it on the red satin.

My sewing corner........
顺便拍我的“针车”.... my mini sewing corner is just next to my mini computer table

Friday, May 29, 2009

Embroidered Towels (Swap)

These towels are meant for a swap........... Very busy so no choice but to delay it for mths since Feb.

These designs are pretty big using the bigger hoop. Per design is > 30mins and this excludes the time spent for changing threads colors/stabiliser/bobbin etc. In all, if nothing screw up, it will take abt 1hr each and if something screw up, might be more than 1.5hrs for per design (exclude fonts). So u see, very waste of time. and u cannot really go away from the machine. Sometimes the machine foot get jammed or stucked because of the top stabiliser used. if i dont use stabiliser, i wont face such problem but the thread might 'sink in' into the towels and the end result is not nice.

Some threads are not well shown as the stabiliser hasnt been washed off/dissolved.

This is the failed towel. Failed because of the Fairy eyes.... something wrong with the design so cant be helped. Since I already embroidered on it, then just pass to the swap partner.

There is this tiny portion of the brown dino face outside of the outline... cant be helped le... i am now getting less confident embroidering on towels. They tend to move more on the hoop. And when there's outlines for that particular design, i'm worried that the outlines might fall out of the satin stitches... piang ehh.
One dino takes abt 38mins for embroidery time, excluding all the misc time spent. I dont think I want to do towels anymore if I can. Waste of time. Otherwise do on small items......... then this makes me think, what or why the shit did i buy this machine to waste my time?!?!
But well, it can do designs that normal machines can never do and i can do customisation. *self console*
This is the test out of the Ring Pillow I am going to do for my friend. I will have to enlarge the font size and figure out how to reposition the names.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ROM Ring Pillow........... anyone?!?!


My old friend of > 10yrs i supposed is finally going to ROM with his 1st GF!!! hehehe

We are internet friends. Never meet before but I guess its fate that let us know each other (and yet just maintain as internet friends, as in never meet up etc). I am so happy but also worried that I might not do a good job.

This is the first Ring Pillow (decent) one I'm going to make. My relative "ROM" last yr but I dont have the time to do it plus I cannot be bothered. Because I dont think I will be appreciated. The guy is my relative but guy normally dont care much right? Oh yea, I asked him and he told me he has a free ring pillow from the jewellery shop... so good lah! Save my time & money.

Anyway, I just tried out with normal threads and then the silver threads..... wow the result is super bling man!!! Machiam wedding gown effect lor as I'm using Satin. But the problem I am having now is, I dont know this satin... where the *@&# did I bought it from!!! U see, I have bought so many type of satin until I lost count and cannot recall which satin is bought from which shop. Sian liaoz

Luckily, this piece of satin is still big enough. I have another secondary schoolmate (we are never classmate. Know her from another classmate of mine) going to ROM soon so I can do one Ring Pillow for her from this satin. Btw, I am going to take $ from them. Not to earn $ but just to cover full or partial of the costs. Wedding things they better pay $, I better take $ too. Nothing to be shy abt. Chinese Custom... I self declared. hehe. Go outside cannot find at this price.

Another good friend of mine (since primary school) is going to buy HDB unit so I'm wondering when is she going to ROM. I will do one for her too if I can.

So yea, I better brush up my skills and think of how to design the 1st embroidered Ring Pillow. So happy I can finally put my machine to do very pretty/unique and most importantly, my fav- BLING BLING things haha.... i also have a problem. On one hand, I am worried that I might not do a good job but on the other hand, I am worried that my ring pillow is going to be THAT outstanding/bling etc with swarovski crystals n threads that it outshines the couple's wedding rings!!! How?!?! I have seen others selling very fanciful wedding ring pillows.. so fanciful that the big flowers + crystals are hiding the rings! Cannot see the rings! Wapiang......... headache

(I've mentioned earlier that silver threads are expensive. Of course they are!!! I buy only high quality threads and they are really very expensive. So far I have spent more than $700 on threads and its not a lot of colors!!!!! ......... so u see, how to 'earn' from this hobby. Can cover partial costs i can hide in a corner and laugh. Ok, back to topic, silver/gold threads are at least 3-4x more expensive than a normal threads and the length of the thread spool is like 1/5 of normal threads!!! So i think it might be more than 15x (is this how u calculate?) expensive than normal threads.

So there u go....... now u know why embroidered gowns are so expensive right? Workmanship, cost of THREADS!!! all add on to the cost. Plus, u know some satin (silk satins) are like $120/meter? or is it $70-80? Anyway, its still VERY expensive......... so thats why some gowns are that expensive. For me, I use cheaper satin. I cannot bear to fork out $70-100++ of satin for Ring Pillow manz. I dont think anyone buy those materials to do Ring Pillow. Not even for business because its going to add to the cost and way over budget.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Square Brown Glitz Part #: 496SMM


(Dreamweave Fusible 3Yards - White)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Big Happie Hair

Friday, January 2, 2009





All the above 1 each, Plus...
2 Spools of Threads =

Total: 8 items (incld 3 boxes of threads, 1 CD in the box. Pls help see if CD looks okay? no cracks etc)
Thanks Shirli!